Chicago Bulls players and more than 200 volunteers got together in Chicago Heights on Saturday, August 24, to build a new playground, a playground designed by the children who will use it.Children need a place to play every day in order to be active and healthy, but today’s kids spendContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Jen Osborne

Ever feeling blue and think, “God, I wish I could hug a llama right about now”? Well you can! Therapy llamas and alpacas are being used all across the country to buoy the spirits of the elderly and ill, bringing their fuzzy adorableness right to your door for some therapeuticContinue Reading

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The chances of a dog found on the streets ending up in a stable, happy forever home are, sadly, pretty slim. If you’re a dog like Oscar, who, for reasons unknown, is paralyzed, those chances drop nearly to zero.Oscar was staring at those odds when he was picked up byContinue Reading


123-year-old Carmelo Flores, a Bolivian indigenous farmer, attributes his longevity to quinoa grains, riverside mushrooms and around-the-clock chewing of coca leaves.   He lives in Frasquia, a 4,000-meter high hamlet, and takes daily walks in shoes made of recycled tires, but spends most of his time laying on a blanket outsideContinue Reading