
A heroic dog saved a toddler from drowning after the boy fell into a pool this weekend. A Michigan family got the shock of a lifetime when 14-month-old Stanley nearly drowned after in the pool in the backyard. The reason their son is alive today, they say, is thanks toContinue Reading


The health benefits of sex extend well beyond the bedroom. Turns out sex is good for you in ways you may never have imagined.           When you’re in the mood, it’s a sure bet that the last thing on your mind is boosting your immune systemContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Rob Carr, Getty Images

Hollywood actress helps Kidney Cancer Association Denise Richards, the Hollywood star of many movies including The World is Not Enough and the recent Madea’s Witness Protection, hosted a charitable event for the Kidney Cancer Association (KCA). The private event included family members, friends, and winners of a cancer survivors videoContinue Reading