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They say all dogs go to heaven and Titan, a pitbull in Atlanta is showing why.  This isn’t the 1989 animated film starring Burt Reynolds, this is real life. In July of 2011, John Benton was about to head out the door to go to work and sent their dogContinue Reading

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It’s finally here – the largest sporting event in the world!  Each qualifying nation shows off their finest competitors in a world event to bring happiness and pride to their respective countries.  It is the highest honor for an athlete to represent their country in this event. The Olympics isContinue Reading

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Younger fathers may be able to keep up with their kids in the playground, but a recent study has found evidence that older fathers may pass on longevity to their children.  It has not been proven yet, but the study does show some really interesting evidence. The study was developed byContinue Reading

Image Credit: Tom Spring

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s…..Boy Scout troop 850 from New Jersey?!  Yes, you heard it – The 17 boy scouts were vacationing in Key West, FL when they saw a shirtless man sprinting away from a frantic tourist.  The tourist, Adriano Furlan from Brazil, was yelling for helpContinue Reading

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Article from WebMD:   When it comes to healthy hair, it’s not just what you put on your tresses that count — it’s what you put in your body, too.   “Lather, rinse, repeat” may be standard advice, but shampoo and conditioner alone won’t give you the healthy hair youContinue Reading

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It’s official–the goats of California are definitely the coolest in the country.These two from Southern California, Goatee and Pismo, fit the bill: The goats have taken to surfing with their owner, Dana McGregor, who takes the pets everywhere–even into the Pacific Ocean. The goat whisperer told the Associated Press he “taught hisContinue Reading