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Can you imagine staying with one company for 73 years?  That’s pretty difficult for many to comprehend because the average time that individuals stay at a particular job today is between 4 and 5 years according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Rose Syracuse Richardone began working at Macy’s flagshipContinue Reading

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In an amazing feat, one year after losing his eye sight, Brad Snyder wins a gold medal in the Paralympics 400 meter freestyle swimming competition!  Congrats Brad! Snyder is a former United States Navy Lieutenant who lost his sight in 2011 after stepping on a Taliban explosive device in Afghanistan. Continue Reading

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Good News found on (CNN) — My grandchildren and I made history this summer. It was our personal history; our family history. We made memories we’ll be able to relive and pass on to others. The adventures began when I asked each of my three oldest grandchildren to pick aContinue Reading

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GARY GADDIST is an unassuming and hardworking city Parks Department worker who picks up trash in lower Manhattan five days a week. But to Danielle Hatherley Carroll, Gaddist is lord of the ring. On her behalf, Gaddist went on a quest to find the wedding ring she had lost inContinue Reading

Those of use who are always connected are guilty of peeking at our phone during a nice dinner out. Hence, the smartphone screen glow has replaced the candle as the most common type of lighting at restaurants. It’s not always intentional, it just happens, almost like a reflex. Well, whatContinue Reading

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Picture this: 75 years of marriage. That’s what Freda and Glen Wall of Pleasanton will celebrate Monday. “We were so young,” said Glen, who at 95 looks two decades younger. “We didn’t know any better.” In fact, the groom was just 20 and the bride was 19. “I didn’t formallyContinue Reading

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Besse Cooper of Monroe, Georgia had her birthday on Sunday. But this wasn’t just any old birthday. She turned 116, making her the oldest person in world. NBC notes that Besse Cooper is only the eighth person to reach this age and the fourth American to do so. Born in 1896,Continue Reading