A couple weeks after Hurricane Sandy, most households in the northeast finally had power again.  Although power was up, Internet access was still sparse in many areas. This is where a team of special individuals came to the rescue.  Joe and Debbie Hillis drove 1,600 miles from Saginaw, Texas withContinue Reading

Goldstein family photo

“Captain Planet, he’s a hero, gonna take pollution down to zero!”.  Who remembers that Saturday morning cartoon?  That used to be one of my absolute favorite cartoons growing up.  I decided to search for it one day and I discovered something amazing.  It turns out that there is a CaptainContinue Reading

/ Image Credit: redmonpie.com

After 10 years of producing all hardware in China, Apple plans to move production of some macs to the U.S.  Apple customers have been asking the company to make this change for years.  Tim Cook, Apple’s CEO, says the change will happen in 2013.  The company has not released anyContinue Reading

Image Credit Kristian Schmidt for WildAid

Eileen McGuirk was battling cancer and didn’t feel well enough to host visitors inside the hospital.  Her friends thought of a way that they could all give her a “pick me up” without going into the hospital….a flash mob outside her window 🙂 It was all Eileen’s husband’s idea.  HeContinue Reading

Image Credit: lostinmobile.com

“Molai” is what the locals call him.  This nickname is derived from the Indonesian term “mulai” which means “to begin”. How did Jadav “Molai” Payeng become a hero?  It all started in 1979 when he was only 16 years old.  A devastating flood washed away a large portion of forestContinue Reading

Image Credit: Sean Hiller @ The Daily Breeze

On Monday, 11/26/2012, New York City residents enjoyed a whole day without a single violent crime.  “It is unusual in a city of 8 million people, but we never read that much into one day,” said Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne.  He said it was the “first time in memoryContinue Reading