- Image Credit: Getty Images

The GIANT squid is an amazing and mysterious creature.  They are the largest invertebrate that we know about.  The largest discovered was 59 feet long!  They also have the largest eyes in the animal kingdom, reaching 10 inches in diameter.  The wildest part is that they have never been observedContinue Reading

- Image Credit: New York Times

Robert F. Kennedy once said, “You’re happiest while you’re making the greatest contribution”. Meet Judith O’Reilly.  She decided to approach the yearly New Year’s resolution in a different way.  She didn’t make a resolution to stop smoking, lose weight, exercise more, or get a new job.  Instead she decided toContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Fox Sports

Scott Wells, the 300 pound starting center for the St. Louis Rams, and his wife Julie have always wanted to have a large family.  It was a long bumpy road, but they are so happy to have doubled their family with the addition of three children from Uganda! Scott andContinue Reading

- Image Credit: fastcompany.com

Teachers in PS 177 high school in Queens, NY were struggling to find a way to help students with learning disabilities focus and advance in school.  Most of the kids in the special ed classes are autistic and the normal curricula did not help them. Adam Goldberg, a teacher atContinue Reading

- Image Credit: PR Smith

We all know that sports events can get pretty heated.  Entire streets, cities, states, and nations emotionally rally behind their team.  In larger events, such as the Olympics or the World Cup, people view their teams with extreme hope and pride – as a way to place their homeland onContinue Reading

- Image Credit: somuchfeelings.tumblr.com

Good World News would like to wish all of you a very Happy New Year!!! This has been a beautiful year.  Sit back, relax, reflect on the positive things from the past year and amplify them this year 🙂   Peace & Love, The Good World News TeamContinue Reading