- Image Credit: Change.org

As a response to a Change.org petition which quickly amassed over 100,000 signatures, Victoria’s Secret begins talks about a “survivor” bra. The petition was started by 21 year old, Allana Maiden, who’s mother, Debbie Barrett  is a breast cancer survivor. “My mom is a breast cancer survivor — 21 yearsContinue Reading

Happy Birthday to Jackie Robinson (January 31st). Robinson was the first African American Major League Baseball Player of the modern era. In 1947 as a Brooklyn Dodger, Jackie Robinson broke the baseball color line, and throughout his life was extremely influential in the Civil Rights Movement. Robinson had an exceptionalContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Kim Castillo

Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.” It really makes an impact when someone stands up for what’s right.  This is precisely what a waiter did recently at Laurenzo’s Prime Rib in Houston.Continue Reading

- Image Credit: 11alive.com

Who ever said the blind cannot be visionaries?  Luke Putney is blind and only in his teens, but he has quite a vision for helping others. “I started going blind in third and fourth grade,” Luke said. “I had brain surgery in fifth grade and again in 8th grade.” AsContinue Reading

- Image Credit: thestorkmagazine.com

The superhero actress from the Fantastic 4, is now helping save the planet off the set with a new eco-friendly company called “The Honest Company”. “When I became a mom, I finally became the person I am, that I always should have been,” Jessica Alba says. “It’s the most satisfyingContinue Reading