- Image Credit: Facebook

Kids can have such a simple pure view of the world.  Watch this young girl talk about all the things that she appreciates in life.  All those adults out there can learn a thing or two from the youth. And that’s what’s good, Jon – The Good World NewsContinue Reading

In a major language science breakthrough, computers are showing that they may be able to recover lost languages.  Previously, computers were only used to save languages as they were at risk of being lost.  The computers would record fragments of the language from the remaining speakers in order to helpContinue Reading

- Image Credit: seaofsavings.com

Yesterday, February 5th, was National Pancake Day at IHOP!  It’s a day where the International House Of Pancakes gives away a free short stack of buttermilk pancakes to guests!!  All they ask for is a donation to charity.  Their goal this year is to raise $3 million!!  Since the startContinue Reading