- Image Credit: frenchtribune.com

Veterinarians at the Institute for Marine Mammal Studies in Gulfport nursed six endangered sea turtles to health after one year of rehabilitation.  Now, the five Kemp’s ridley sea turtles and one green sea turtle have been released among several reefs in the Gulf of Mexico.  Awww and they’re so cuteContinue Reading


Have you ever felt that peaceful and calm sensation when there is a nice warm campfire or a collection of candles in a quiet house?  Well the Robbins family wanted to experience that feeling each night in their Orange County, California home! Stacey Robbins explained – “The way people feelContinue Reading

- Image Credit: COCO Gallery

Brian Gargano and Jennifer Batugo are two love birds who wanted nothing more than to show their love and commitment through marriage. Unfortunately, in March, when they began planning their August wedding, Jennifer was diagnosed with a rare aggressive form of breast cancer.  The doctors told her that she mayContinue Reading

Image Credit: brandmill.com

April 22nd is Earth Day.  This is a global event where people contribute to causes that protect this beautiful planet.  Each year, over 1 billion individuals across the world participate in Earth Day events. The 2013 Earth Day theme is “The Face of Climate Change”.  Enjoy your Earth Day festivitiesContinue Reading