- Image Credit: sandhillsweddingexpo.com

Megan Erickson and Jarrod Vancannon had their Iowa wedding all planned.  Megan made her $100 deposit on her $1035 dress and they were ready to wed!  Unfortunately, Jarrod got injured at work and suddenly they could not pay for their dream wedding.  Megan went back to Pure Bridal and toldContinue Reading

- Image Credit: Facebook

Kids can have such a simple pure view of the world.  Watch this young girl talk about all the things that she appreciates in life.  All those adults out there can learn a thing or two from the youth. And that’s what’s good, Jon – The Good World NewsContinue Reading

- Image Credit: 11alive.com

Who ever said the blind cannot be visionaries?  Luke Putney is blind and only in his teens, but he has quite a vision for helping others. “I started going blind in third and fourth grade,” Luke said. “I had brain surgery in fifth grade and again in 8th grade.” AsContinue Reading

- Image Credit: popartminisworld.com

January 21st is National Hug Day!!  It’s actually a recognized holiday.  Remember, when you give a hug, you get a hug 🙂   And that’s what’s good, Jon – Good World NewsContinue Reading