98 year old Bakes for those in Need

Leo Kellner, a 98-year-old from Nebraska, has found a sweet, sweet way of lifting the spirits of those in need, those who are less fortunate than he. He was poor and hungry during the depression, but during those difficult times his mother worked magic with flour and eggs, and Leo learned to bake. With much time on his hands now after the passing of his wife of 72 years, Leo bakes all varieties of cakes and pies and passes them out daily to community organizations helping to feed the poor. The secret ingredient he always adds is a healthy helping of love. When asked to what he contributes the energy and sharp mind still going strong in his life, he replies “giving to everyone, placing nobody above me, placing nobody below me, liking everyone, and never holding a grudge.” We can all learn from Leo!



– Good World News

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