Michael Johannes was driving his 2006 Chevy Trailblazer on a highway in New Brighton, Minnesota
when it caught fire. Michael didn’t realize his car was on fire until Bob Renning, who was driving
ahead of Michael noticed flames from under his car. Renning waved Michael to let him know what
was happening, but it was almost too late. “The taillights started flashing without control, the brakes
stopped working, the speed calculator went to zero, the electronics just got messed up.” Johannes
recalled to ABC News. All of a sudden the car doors locked and Michael couldn’t get them open.
Renning pulled over and sprinted to the car where he could only hear Michael trying to kick the
doors open. The smoke was so thick that he couldn’t see anyone in the vehicle. With Superman like
adrenaline running through him, Renning miraculously got his fingers on the door frame, placed his
foot against the door, and pulled as hard as he could. The glass shattered as he bent the door frame
in half! Renning helped Michael escape through the window with only seconds to spare. An Air Force
first sergeant, Renning said he had no idea how he was able to bend the door. “It was a miracle. He was
a husband, he was dad,” Lisa Johannes told ABC News. “He was just telling himself: ‘I had to get out of
there the entire time.'”
Have a great day and let the good news be yours,