Rapper Nasir Jones aka Nas was visiting Washington D.C when he heard a news story about a man who had lost his home.
Stanley Young raises his 8 kids under one roof, who lost their mother just one year ago. Their current house caught fire after the store that he lived above caught fire. To make matters worse, Stanley had just lost his job and the family is currently living out of a local Holiday inn.
Nas and his manager opened a fundraising campaign with a goal to raise $50,000 to help Stanley and his family get back on their feet. Nas’ manager Anthony Saleh sent out a message reading:
“Our original plan was to help Stanley purchase a few necessities, but we were inspired to take this another step further. We want to involve our inner circle of family and friends and take Mr. Young’s plight to the public. We hope that we can all come together and open our hearts to this social cause. In these times where trial verdicts are creating an uproar & films about innocent men getting executed in the public by the police are released, we felt a community-driven fundraising event can shine some light on some of America’s dark moments.”
To date, Nas has helped raise $65,000 for the family. If you would like to donate, visit https://www.crowdtilt.com/campaigns/help-the-young-family/contributors#activity
Have a great day, and let the good news be yours,