Michael Campbell, at 22 years old is the youngest helicopter tour pilot in New York City. Fresh out of training, he knew exactly what to do when things went wrong.
He was 12 minutes into a 25 minute tour he was giving to four Swedish passengers when the helicopter engine suddenly failed. Campbell went straight into hero mode.
“You only have a second to make the right decision. It’s sink or swim,’’ said Campbell as he recalls the previous days events.
Miraculously within 30 seconds he was able to keep the helicopter level, deploy the floats, and make a safe landing in the Hudson River without a single injury!
“Someone was looking out for me,’’ Campbell said. “I said a little prayer that everything would turn out OK, and I’m just really glad it worked out and everyone walked away without any harm.”
Campbell was ready to come into work the next day, but his boss told him to take the day off 🙂
And that’s what’s good,