Can you imaging working at one employer your entire life and NEVER taking a sick day?! 44 years?!
Meet Deborah Ford, a U.S. Postal Service employee in Detroit who has delivered mail for 44 years straight. She has such genuine dedication to her work.
When asked if she has ever been sick, she says “Well little minor illnesses, but you shake it off. You’ll feel better when you get there.”
“Didn’t you want to go to your mailbox and get a letter?”, she continued, “When you go to that mailbox to get a letter, I want to make sure you get one.”
Well said Deborah! She will retire with 4,508 hours in sick leave which will give her a 5% increase in pension.
We at Good World News wish you a wonderful retirement Deborah.
And that’s what’s good,
The Good World News