Geo, a seven month old German Shepherd-Collie mix is now a famous hero after saving a young boy’s life.
Carly Riley and her three sons Charlie, Ben, and Josh from Clacton-on-Sea, Essex were out for a walk with their puppy, Geo, when an out of control car started speeding their way. The erratic driver jumped the curb and was heading straight for 10 year old Charlie.
Geo sprang into action and pushed Charlie out of the way and took the hit himself. The impact launched Geo into the street where the crazy driver hit him again and drove off without stopping.
“Geo must have sensed it [the truck] as he leapt on Charlie and took him out the way. It could have wiped us all out.” Riley said on DogHeirs.com “If it wasn’t for Geo I am 100 percent sure it would’ve been Charlie”.
Geo, the hero, was in critical condition. He had a broken spine, broken leg, and many internal injuries, but miraculously the veterinarians say he will make a full recovery. This full recovery will cost $16,000, but the family has no question about trying to pay the bills to save their dog, no matter how hard it may be to pay it.
“Geo and the boys have a fantastic relationship,” Riley said. “They always play with each other, whether it be football or Geo’s favorite, jumping on our trampoline with them. He is family.”
The Riley family has set up a facebook page to tell the story, share pictures, and take donations.
This wonderful canine is definitely a hero. He has performed a selfless act that will be forever remembered!
Peace & Love,
– The Good World News