Cory Booker, the Newark, New Jersey mayor, is always findings ways to make an impact. We previously reported on how he rescued a neighbor from a burning fire. Now he’s standing up for families living on food stamps.
Booker plans to live on food stamps for at least a week starting Tuesday, December 4th. According the the Department of Agriculture, his budget will equate to roughly $4.44 a day for food.
This all began from a Twitter conversation Booker (@CoryBooker) had with @MWadeNC. The individual, @MWadeNC was saying that the government shouldn’t help low income students with school lunches because they are already receiving food stamps.
Booker thought otherwise and decided to take up the #SNAPChallenge as he calls it after the official food stamp name – Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program. On Twitter, many others are standing by the mayor and taking up the challenge as well.
Cory Booker continues to be a hero and role model. Thanks for raising awareness. We know that good things will come of it!
Peace & Love,
– The Good World News