The kids and staff at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital in Memphis, TN had an amazing surprise visit from some superheroes. Jordan Emerson, Danny Oszaniec, and Steve Oszaniec of American National Skyline window cleaning service dressed as superheroes when the cleaned the hospital windows!
Spiderman surprises kids at the hospital
The kids completely lit up with happiness 🙂 “SO AWESOME to see them dressed up and making the kids and many adults smile! Thanks from those who work at LB, we loved this!”, Sara Warhust an employee at Le Bonheur wrote on Facebook. Catherine Best Davis wrote, “My 17 month old daughter was waiting to be discharged when she saw spiderman…she was excited! Captain America was also there and he came to visit her. Thanks!!”
Well done American National Skyline crew! You have brought a lot of smiles to children’s faces!
Peace & Love,
– The Good World News