Maud Chifamba is showing that with enough determination, you can accomplish ANYTHING. At the age of 14, she is the youngest person to attend university in not only Zimbabwe, but all of southern Africa!
It wasn’t easy getting to this point. Born on November 19th 1997, she was raised in a poor family that had a farm as their only source of income. She lost her father at the age of five and her mother last year. It was only her and two brothers who were left to take care of themselves and the farm. She says that her parents’ passing caused her to work extremely hard. “It really motivated me to work harder because there was no one to take care of me except myself in the future. That was … a motivator for me to have something to do with my life.”
Her brothers couldn’t afford to pay for her formal schooling so Maud had to study on her own. She would spend hours and hours every night studying and learning the material on her own. Her immense studies paid off – she skipped 4th and 5th grades and went straight to 6th. She aced her proficiency exams all through school. Maud blew right through the Advanced Level Exams which earned her entrance to the University of Zimbabwe with a $10,000 scholarship!!
After one week of school, Maud is having a good time. “I’m really enjoying it. It’s better than what I expected. I’m just enjoying all the lectures.” Her dream job is to become an accountant. The Good World News team knows that she will get there!
Keep up the great work Maud! Your story is very inspiring!! Keep up the wonderful work 🙂
Peace & Love,
The Good World News