College courses can be expensive, especially from top private universities. This is where Coursera comes to the rescue! Coursera.org partners with top universities from around the world to deliver college courses online for FREE. Their goal is to provide the best education to millions of people throughout the world.
So far, over 1 million people have signed up for courses ranging from Humanities, Music, Medicine, Business, to Computer Science and Mathematics. There are currently over 100 courses available across 17 different categories. Some of the schools participating are Stanford University, Duke, University of Edinburgh, and Princeton. Although college credit is not currently given for the courses, there are talks about moving that direction in the future.
Teachers have the unique opportunity to teach a class to people all over the world at the same time! This sounds like a very great start to an incredible concept! We look forward to seeing how this develops!
Peace & Love,
– The Good World News