About Good World News

We’re so happy that you made it to Good World News!  We hope that reading these stories makes you smile as much as they do to us 🙂

This all began when two brothers Jon and Jeremy, agreed that they wanted to make a positive impact on the world.  

We saw a growing trend of negative media – news stories that highlighted the bad, the shocking, and the dramatic stories in the world.  While there is a need to inform individuals about the world events, many news outlets focus so much on the negative.  We knew that there needed to be balance and we were going to make it happen!

So in 2012, we launched Good World News.  We started searching the Internet for good news.  At first we were not sure how much we would be able to find.  It turns out we were able to find hundreds of good things that were happening in the world.  We continue to actively find good news around the world and deliver it to you!  We also really appreciate when our readers submit good news articles and give us comments.  It keeps us going!

Thank you for reading our story.  

Share our website with your friends and family because smiles are contagious 🙂


The Good World News Team

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